Coencorp Blog

The Coencorp Advantage

Written by Reza Tavassoli | 25-Jan-2019 12:30:00 PM


Ask their customers for the advantages of working with the Coencorp team, and you will get beautiful stories describing the company's five pillars: Accessibility, Adaptability, Automation, Accountability, and Amalgamation.

These pillars describe more than the services and products developed over the past twenty-seven years; they describe the founders’ values.

Moreover, these five “A”s have driven their vision since the exciting
call for help from their first and oldest client. This client allowed the founders to build everything around their core values: People-centred, Quality Driven, Adaptability Oriented.



The Tavassoli brothers were focused on being the best engineering service providers available because they felt that was where they could realize their dedication to quality programming for their clients. Their reputations as problem-solvers grew steadily with word-of-mouth testimonials.

The founders loved working hands-on and learning about their clients’ operations from the people using the equipment. It fostered in them a perspective on creating holistic solutions that would form their company's core values.

When the economy turned, and some of the smaller clients started fading away, they doubled their efforts and sought out work as subcontractors in the traditional ways available before the internet: mailing campaigns, cold-calling leads from trade publications, and knocking on doors.

Of course, it worked! The Tavassolis got a call from a small engineering company in Quebec City that had won two major public tenders that were becoming too great a drain on their resources and expertise. It started with the engineer liking the Coencorp brochure and asking for help with a seemingly unsolvable programming challenge at The STCUM (Montreal’s Public Transit Authority).

The founders listened to his story, asked questions, fell in love with the challenge, and proposed fixing it. The engineer accepted. The next day our founders were on-site evaluating systems and learning about the problems from ‘The People’ on the floor: the mechanics, bus drivers, maintenance engineers, and IT technicians.

Through productive months of hands-on troubleshooting and implementing fixes on the problem-laden system, the Tavassolis were formulating a vision for a more robust and encompassing solution for fuel management system challenges. They saw the more significant opportunity to help others and fill a need.

When the engineer had to pull out of the contract, the founders did the only thing they felt was right. They continued working on the solutions for the people they committed to help, even if they were uncertain of getting paid for it. Their dedication paid off.

Like many public tenders, it was guaranteed by a bond, and the bondsman now had a contract that could potentially lose him loads of cash, so he went to the work site to understand the situation. All the employees pointed him to the dedicated Coencorp founder still working onsite. That conversation became a contract with two necessary conditions: it would be built for the system users, and Coencorp would retain the intellectual property.

Thus, the company transitioned from a service provider to a visionary product developer with its first Fuel/Fleet Management System designed for the Montreal & South-Shore Public Transit Authorities. The Coencorp work ethic witnessed in this story is repeated in the stories of each additional client the company serves and remains a core value shared by its employees.


Actively listening for the opportunity to answer a need, making it adaptable and easy to use across industries. The team members work with the users, building partnerships of cooperation and collaboration. Together they become a force of growth at each business they serve. Proudly treating every client as a long-term partner won them a client retention rate of over 95%. They are dedicated to keeping your business running and do all they can to make that happen.


Quality has become a way of life at Coencorp. It permeates the products at every level. From the solution-oriented dedication of the support staff to the mentoring relationships the engineers have built with them. People always get the first consideration, and the customers benefit from the ultimate experience of user-friendliness. Sit in the room with the technicians, and you will get excited with them when they get any challenge from a client.

The founders spread this motivation throughout the company by sharing their excitement and dedication to getting ahead of trends and technological changes. The award-winning platform, SM2, is seen as one of the most robust platforms for more than just Fuel & Fleet management. It’s also lauded for access control, geolocation, and preventive maintenance.

The beauty in actively embracing challenges is they always give you opportunities. This has allowed Coencorp to build a core platform with adaptable and interrelated modules. It usually starts with customers sharing their challenges about compatibility between their current software systems and asking the Coencorp team to perform some magic.

Inspired by such challenges, they strive to provide reasonable solutions for all potential users. A little like the kid in the classroom who asks questions the others are too shy to ask, they help everyone grow.

Fleet management now extends well beyond the need to manage vehicles economically. It has extended to managing all resources, considering different fuel sources, and helping human resources remain valuable and safe to the company.


 Integrating a business's possible aspects into a resource management platform has become the output of years of passion and dedication. The fundamental aspects of fuel management, preventive maintenance programs, geolocation, and access control depend on the people using and managing them.

The reality of a world where most employees now handle multiple tasks outside the original parameters of their job descriptions has left employers with the difficult choice of hoping for multi-talented employees willing to work at a lower rate or the possibility of losing quality control by outsourcing services.

However, there is another option that lets you increase your employees' value: automation. The need for automation doesn’t always mean the replacement of human resources; It implements tools and systems to help your workers manage the data required in a technologically dependent world and frees them to do what they do best.

For example, SM2 gives your people a better tool for becoming more productive, not replacing their purpose. Productivity stays a positive word at Coencorp.


Coencorp Systems started from the need of a single client and has continuously evolved to be valuable to a much broader audience. This core value towards growth always has strong roots in the users' needs. The vision of continual improvement stems from the founders’ joy and wonderment at figuring out how things work, fixing them when they don’t, and then figuring out how to make it work better so it never breaks again.

The continual addition of modules customized for their client’s specific needs fuels the platform's growth as a whole. The desire to share it all with every client has taken on a business development aspect like a consultant who makes connections across industries for everyone to benefit from.

Their evolution extends into managing other fuel sources and addressing the evolving challenges of companies and industries. This evolution stretches across both the massive needs of consolidated corporations and the evolving needs of entrepreneurial micro-corporations.

They love them all. At Coencorp, they choose to ride and be the wave. Their advantage is working with you, a true partnership.