Pretty much any modern fleet management software will have some kind of dashboard functionality, a way to visually present data deemed relevant for you… by them! They also give you some means to filter and sort what you see. This is where SM2 is leaps and bounds ahead of the other guys.
Imagine you could pick whatever data you wanted in a software platform, view it in whatever form you want, and have it as a panel in whatever dashboard you put together. Also, wouldn’t it be cool to take action on the items you are viewing from the dashboard panel or have one click on a dashboard panel affect what you see in another panel? Well, imagine no more!
In SM2, you can have dashboards set up to show any data from any software module, presented any way you like: pie charts, bar charts, lines, etc.
Here is a dashboard for different fuel tanks out there:
Here’s another for various KPIs:
To show how dashboards work, let’s look at this one depicting the consumption of a single fluid over the past 10 years or so. One panel shows total annual quantities, the next panel displays monthly consumption, and the last one presents a line graph of the consumption over the course of a month.
Let’s say you are in charge of fuel, and you notice that 2013 was particularly expensive in terms of fuel. Click on that year:

Now the year you selected is highlighted in green, and the monthly panel has changed to show consumption for each month of the year, in this case, 2013. If you click on a specific month and hit yes on the third panel…
You now see a consumption curve for the selected month. Dynamic Dashboards, indeed!
SM2 acquires data in real-time, which is transferred to the different modules and can be obtained by executing different views (e.g. daily fueling transactions). While SM2 is designed to offer user-friendly navigation throughout the modules, countless data are registered daily when managing a fleet. This is why Coencorp designed the Dynamic Dashboards module. The flexibility and immense potential of the dashboards cannot be emphasized enough. In maximizing the dashboards, you could view all the information about anyone’s job requirements. For example, a fleet manager will want to know which vehicles are due for maintenance, an inventory manager will want to see tank levels, and the company’s CEO will want to see everything clearly and effectively. The Dynamic Dashboards module can do all of this and so much more. Think of this as a way to visualize your data, where not only can you choose how this data will be shown (pie chart, bar chart, table, curve, KPI box, etc.), but you can have these dashboards interact with each other. Yearly summaries can be broken down into monthly reports that can be broken down into weekly reports, and daily reports can provide a list of each transaction.
- Create dashboards by turning any view within SM2 into panels
- View data as pie charts, bar charts, tables, curves, and KPI boxes
- Each dashboard captures real-time data
- Clicking an item in one panel will update another dashboard panel.
Go beyond raw data: dashboard panels can take you from a high level, aggregate data all the way down to individual records. Items, such as work orders and equipment profiles, can be opened, modified, and updated without ever leaving the dashboard.
Dashboards should be way more than simple data visualization arbitrarily designed by a developer. With SM2, you can make your dashboards precisely what they need to be and do everything you need to do without leaving the eye-pleasing confines of your dashboard panels.
Click the link if you are curious about telematic fleet management.
Interested in a fleet fuel management system or fuel management system for your fleet?